Wednesday, September 28, 2011


A perfect wedding and honeymoon will put anybody in a good mood. Even though I had to come back here, and leave my Darling behind, I've been happy in my work.

Tuesday was the first day back... I checked in late Monday night, moved my car (which had been surrounded by a construction zone while I was gone), unpacked, did my laundry, and was ready to start all over again.

They didn't have me on the muster sheet or the working party list, so I checked out to Medical and got the immunizations they told me I needed when I did my PHA a couple weeks ago. Reported back in and was sent to Bldg. 52 (on the 2nd deck) to look for an MA1 Persenger. No one had heard of an MA1 there, so I ended up working for an OS1, painting doors on the 2nd deck.

There's a new PT muster at 1430 four days a week, so I showed up to this. It was exactly what I wanted to do myself... a timed run of the mile-and-a-half PRT course at Liberty Station. It almost killed me... short breath, coughing afterwords, pounding head, sore knees... but I did it in 14 minutes exactly... and that's with not running for a long time!

Today, I had a Dentist appointment at 0700. Checked out with Holds at a quarter till, got done very soon... but yes, I need to floss more... and then turned in my updated Page 2 in Admin. While I was in there, I filled out a name change chit. So soon I'll be able to put on my new name. Went ahead and ordered the new name tapes off "" tonight :)

But the working party today was with the EODs, like yesterday was supposed to be. I figured out that they meet on the second deck of the EOD building across from 51. After a long bit of waiting around, we headed out with a group of them to the Sub Base. Drove the chief's truck up the hill behind the column of EODs walking up the hill as if they were in Afghanistan. Up in the old parts of Fort Rosecrans, there's a mock Afghan village set up... and there we three students played bodies for their exercise. One was a hostage, one a townsperson, and I was a bad guy. I was a Taliban hostage taker, wearing a white "man dress", as I heard it called, and a pair of my own blue plaid flannel pants wrapped around my head for a turban. I got killed and dragged by my wrist so the guys could find the hidden basement under the carpet I was lying on. It was a lot of waiting around, but I enjoyed the out-of-the-ordinary experience anyway.

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