Monday, April 30, 2012

Final Test and My Fourth PFA

Don't know the official word on either yet, but I know I passed both.

Friday's test was twice as long as normal, at 100 questions, and was cumulative. It took forever to complete... they allowed us ample time to finish it up. Overall it was pretty straightforward, but there were those usual few that made me scratch my head forever. I was very glad to get out of there, and ended up falling asleep at home by 1830.

Today's Physical Fitness Assessment (or Physical Readiness Test... whichever you prefer... I hear both acronyms used) went very well. I drove over about 10 min. before it was scheduled to begin. There have been times in the past when I wish I would have arrived that late. There is a lot of standing around waiting for people to check in and for the CFL (command fitness leader?) to get things started. I pinned number 112 (written on a 5" by 8" blue card) to the front of my yellow PT shirt, and got in the line on the far right. Wagner was #111, and also without a partner, so we teamed up.

There were three long columns, probably 150+ Sailors arranged side by side. There were a few brief warm-ups and then we began. Wagner's side of the column went first with the curl-ups. Then we have a short break as the guys with clipboards walk down the row and record the scores. Then it was my turn. Wagner held my ankles and counted reps as I had done for him. I was only 4 shy of maxing the score with 97 in two minutes. We switched again, Wagner busted out lots of push-ups and I counted, amazed. Then a short break and I struggled, doing 44 push-ups, just 2 shy of the max. An Outstanding score so far... good deal.

Then the Mile & a Half Run. Boo. I hate running. But it seemed to go faster today then normal... I guess all that regular PT really helps out. And I managed to avoid coughing my lungs out afterwords; I guess my nose didn't run when I did like it had in the past. And can you believe it? my hurt foot gave me no trouble at all (and feels better today?! good grief!). We start by the port side of the USS Recruit (USS Neversail) and run on the cement pathway around the grass field that used to be the parade ground of RTC San Diego, back in the day, and end in the cul-de-sac behind the medical center, right next to where we did the first two events. With all those people, it really gets crowded at the beginning.

I think my time was 13:39... but all I heard was the "39" part. I was pretty tired by the last quarter mile. I lady passed me by and shouted encouragement to go faster... I met her in the locker room afterwords... she was a chief! Goodness, a very nice chief!

Thank goodness it's over (for six months, at least)!

Otherwise, I felt terrible because I fell asleep again after my alarm went off this morning. Stupid... the day before the last day. I was a bit late, but it didn't affect anyone since everyone was let go because of the odd schedule. We're taking our practicals now, and they say they're going to take 2 hours for each group of two students. So people were to come back for the time they were scheduled for, and Baldwin and I were assigned first thing tomorrow morning. Okay by me. I really appreciate STG1 being understanding like he was. He knows I'm not a slacker, I guess. Still, I could kick myself.

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