Friday, February 25, 2011

Sisters in Arms

Waiting for the ride over to the change of command ceremony...

It was duty day for me in more than one way! I was so concerned about not missing the 0630 muster for my duty section that I woke up at least 4 times before my alarm went off at 0600. I can put myself into a frenzy sometimes... I made it just fine. Had a big breakfast right after, then hurried back to my room, changed into my blues and made it to the Holds 0730 muster with time to spare.

Our other member, STG3 Vonwerder, came promptly after this picture was taken and soon we headed off to the base downtown with Chief's blessing. Our hearts beat faster in the presence of so many officers and chiefs and civilians all dressed to the hilt... but it went off without a hitch.

There was a Navy Band brass quintet there, playing smart marches and patriotic tunes before it all began. It felt as if I were at a concert if I closed my eyes. My favorite was their "God Bless America" that repeated several times... loud and proud one time through, soft and delicate another, and again with more fluctuation. The ceremony was a bit late starting, but we were done and loading onto the van to leave at 10:20.

Upon returning our arms, flags and special apparel, we headed straight for the barracks. I changed back to the digital working uniform I began in today and after a little down time mustered with my duty section again. We were directed to pick up trash in the main parking lot. It amazed me how fast I switched from a grand ceremony to picking up cigarette butts all within a couple hours. :)

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