Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just Another Week in the Navy

Monday was duty day, so I made sure to check the watch-bill right after our free PT. During class we finished up power-points for the Data Processor, U845. I then had to return to base for the 1530 muster, and that all went off without a hitch.

Today, we took our 5th test... on the generic MCEs (mission critical enclosure) and the 845. It had other stuff thrown in from earlier weeks, but it was pretty straightforward. Don't know my score yet, but I know I did just fine. More confident than last week; I was able to find most things just fine. I'm just mentally tired after a 2.5 hour test.

Also of note today, we listened to a new lecture this morning for 25 minutes, so STG2 Root could complete a video for some teaching requirement. I volunteered to press REC once we figured out how to operate the little video-cam. And on that note, I confidently led over a hundred people at Quarters this morning in the Sailor's Creed. And during our class's NSU inspection, I was able to sound off without hesitation as well. He hit people on creased blouses and unmarked covers... but not me. I know, because I follow beside him while he inspects and mark down what he says.

I had lost a few pounds this weekend, and generally, I felt much better that way. There's definitely more to go, but at least there is progress.

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