Monday, November 19, 2012

Situations Rectified

I had work this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. And although I thought Chief told me on Friday that I'd just have to find someone to switch with me for Thanksgiving, she ended up approving the Special Lib chit. CS1 gave it back to me approved on Saturday. That was a very pleasant surprise! :)

Today, as the ship's plans changed at 1500, I was let off. I was only there because we were going to get underway early tomorrow (it was technically my day off). As I changed, I noticed that my military ID card was nowhere to be found. I searched high and low... literally: all through my rack, and even the deck of the head... in the pockets of four garments... in Sonar 1, the scullery, the galley... even the cleaning gear locker (everywhere I had been during the day). I obviously had it this morning at 0630 (I was allowed to come in late), and I remembered putting it in the left breast pocket of my coveralls (like in boot camp). I checked with the quarterdeck and the duty master-at-arms. No returned cards.

So I found out in order to get a new one I'd have to get a special request chit signed and go to PSD (the ID card place) that was probably closed. No, wait, there's another one at the NEX. I was told I'd need a form from admin... and that the request had to be signed by MA1... (he said he didn't, but he did anyway)... then someone told me all I needed was the request signed by the CO, and I could get back on base in the morning. Then admin said no... I needed the chit signed by my entire chain of command. Got MA1, my LPO, Chief... then back to admin, and that's all I need. Then someone told me if I get it undersigned by the DIVO, then I'd just use the form. Got DIVO's signature (found him in his stateroom), then ran into the Sonar Divo (ASWO) and she got the CO to sign the bottom line for me. Then I went back to Sonar 1 and found my ID at the desk in the card reader where I'd left it while trying to log into Navy Knowledge Online for the second version of that silly training I completed back in AUGUST on the Code of Conduct (if separated or captured). Good grief! So frustrated and so relieved! Even though it was two hours later, I did get to go home.

The weekend was much calmer. Saturday I served all three meals, and Sunday I washed the trays, plates, cups and utensils in the scullery. I found time both days to scrub the grime in the sinks in the scullery to make it look better in there. Saturday I watched a couple movies on the mess decks during down time... MIB:3, and Dark Knight Rises. Rather entertaining for a duty weekend. Sunday went much slower... but that's probably because it was the second day.

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