Friday, February 24, 2012


We've been given quizzes every day this week (that Senior Chief has been in charge of)... and especially today, when we had 29 questions (instead of 10 on the last two) and two labs. I had the first one this morning with Trimpe and Hibbard, going over how to check the diodes on the relays... safely... since there were a lot of volts running through them.

I just realized someone reading this with the title in mind might think I got zapped... lol. No, we all are just fine. It was one of the other groups that was reading voltage with a multimeter set to ohms and saw sparks. Even then, everyone was alright. It's just I had the lab first thing, then we had all those confusing questions about the Tech Doc and schematics, then later on, I had a troubleshooting lab with Witte and Nordgren, and found out about a fault in the Tech Doc. That took us up to a quarter til noon... practically the latest we've ever stayed in class... but it was a good mind fry.

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