Wednesday, September 8, 2010

PT & PQS Test

I went early to the 1530 PT today in order to finish those pre-test questions with my recruiter. We did PT... lots of stuff. Warmed up with those elephant jumping-jacks I did at my first PT, so long ago. We did lots of lunges, sprints & mountain climbers, tons of push-ups... it's my recruiter's favorite thing... and crunches, curl-ups, bear crawls, standing jumps, more push-ups... and we were tired by the end of it.

The Personal Qualification Standards test went really well. It's an advancement test to E-2... questions about rank recognition, customs & courtesies, ship & aircraft recognition and even first aid. Missed 7 out of 103... mostly aircraft stuff... two others were incorrectly marked on the answer key and I fixed them. :)

After the test I filed everyone's re-certs and I didn't get home until 1900 or so.

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