Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stand-Down; Test

"Here's health to you and to our Corps..."
Happy 236th Birthday, Marines.

Yesterday's PT was yet again, on our own. Never once have we had any semblance of structured workouts. I did more bench pressing, but I got tired faster. Did some core exercises as well, and called that good for the day.

After finishing the last lecture yesterday, and having a comprehensive study time, today we took the test, and that was all, except for a brief field day. I was the only one in the class to get a 100%! Just shows you that I should have turned my heart over to the Lord faster than I did. I asked questions about everything that was confusing... and it helped. I also didn't worry as much this time, and didn't take comprehensive notes.

Since we are entering the holiday season, with a 3-day weekend tomorrow, a 4-day for Thanksgiving in two weeks, and the big 17-day allowable span for Christmas, we were given a safety brief focusing on distracted driving, the recent statistics from Captain's Masts, the "Holiday Blues", and sexual assault & harassment. Chief Cruz kept all the females afterwords to reassure us that we shouldn't let the males talk down to us about being in the Navy. Okay. Hasn't been a problem for me. But it included all the female students on this base, and after noticing it was about 12 to a row, and 10 rows, I've finally got a figure on how many of us there are, compared to the males: I'd figure there are at least 4 or 5 times that many males here in a student status.

All said, it only took 2 hours and was one of the better safety briefs I've endured. It kept moving along just fine.

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