Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Test

Tuesday was a review day... we had a quiz and went over some things, but besides that, we were out at 1100. Four hours of class time.

Yesterday (Wednesday) we had our test after PT at 0500 (and my duty section muster at 0630), but it didn't start til 0830 because of issues with the computers being too slow. He had us bring up all our power-points in order, so everyone was on the same page. The test was two hours... and most people took that long trying to find the answers to four bad connectivity symptoms questions in the references. No one found them, because they weren't there. So although a bunch of us got 2 of those wrong, he gave them back since it was impossible to find. So for me: 100%. Went home for a couple hours, then returned for the 1530 muster on the Red Deck. More training... STG2 Roop talked about emergency procedures for a few minutes, and then we were let go. And as I was on "Supers", I had no watch to stand. Done for the day.

Today we had the next half of the test after 0500 PT (yesterday I rowed 5,000 meters, today I did push-ups & sit-ups). He made random groups and Witte and I were put into "group 3". Each set took about a half-hour, so most of the time it was sitting and chatting. The lab was taking a unit out of one of the big cages, then changing a battery, then doing some software work on the BIOS chip. I don't know if it was only because of my nervousness of labs, or because of my not eating much this morning, or because of the push-ups... but my arms and fingers shook as I realized I forgot a simple function. We forgot a little step and ended up with 96%s, each. Oh well. Maybe once I'm used to all this I'll survive when I'm in the fleet. I hope so. Out just a little after 1100.

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