Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just a Thought

Today we went over the next lecture in class. And PT was pretty normal too.

A quote from In Harm's Way really stuck out to me, even so I remember it a few days after reading it... even though the situations are markedly unrelated and different, it struck a chord in me about how I've been adjusting to the oddities of military life since boot camp:

"At first you get in a situation where you abhor it. You can't stand it. It's terrible. But you can't get away from it. So you stick with it. And then you get so that you tolerate it. You tolerate it long enough, you embrace it. It becomes your way of life."

Obviously, I've never abhorred anything about the Navy; that's way too strong a word. Everything about the military is adapting to (frequently) changing situations... and that's something I've always had trouble with. So this thought became strangely reassuring to me.

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